Current | Visual Studies | Works


Gisela Baurmann with James Kerestes (VS)
Studio at University of Pennsylvania



"What features do all these systems share? In the simplest terms, they solve problems by drawing on masses of relatively stupid elements, rather than a single, intelligent "executive branch." They are bottom-up systems, not top-down. They get their smarts from below. In a more technical language, they are complex adaptive systems that display emergent behavior. In these systems, agents residing on one scale start producing behavior that lies one scale above them: ants create colonies; urbanites create neighborhoods; simple pattern-recognition software learns how to recommend new books. The movement from low-level rules to higher-level sophistication is what we call emergence."
Steven Johnson, Emergence

4.0 Team

Please team up in groups of two people. Stay in your team or reshuffle in response to your retreat program. Everybody should be able to bounce off ideas and techniques with your partner.

4.1 Retreat Program Stitches

Review, reorganize, rebuild the program models you developed over the last week (3.2, 3.3) by implementing the stitch scripts that you develop in the VS 3 assignment 2 scripting charette of 2007.0927/28.
(drawings and 3D models, Illustrator, Rhino, Maya, 6 print outs 11x17", and on-screen (if animated))

4.2 Retreat Laser Model

In the laser cut program model you develop your design fundamental, a program model that represents an individual approach to the workings, organization and ecology of the retreat. Its concept is derived form your performance models/ diagrams of the generated program and the crochet stitches you studied. Communication, speed, flexibility, connection, distance, separation, stability, disturbance, equilibrium or change occurring in patterns or as singular events describe your system and are applied to the program model. Whether separation between program parts result in their distribution over more than one location (several entrances, for example), or program combinations seem suggestive for a different flow of activities within the retreat, your program models serve to rearrange your architectural program.
(cardboard laser cut serial section model, scale tbd)

4.3 Present:

Desk crits in studio on Monday 2007.10.01
Present all 4 assignments (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) in teams of two on Thursday, 2007.10.04

4.4 Read:

"Hidden Order, How adaptation builds complexity" John Holland, chapters 1 and 2, Helix Books 1996
"Emergence" Steven Johnson, Touchstone, 2001

.: gisela 2:54 PM